Planning Tools for Potential Projects
Homeowner Priorities Worksheet
The Homeowner Priorities Worksheet helps a household (and project team) clarify their priorities in order to make the value proposition for a proposed deep energy retrofit project. This supports the design process and improves communication with the project team (or family members) as well. (Updated 10/28/20)
Download the Homeowner Priorities Worksheet (Excel).
Heal-Saf-Durability Have-a-Plan
Heal-Saf-Durability Have-a-Plan raises issues that may be relevant to a retrofit project’s success and begins to document health, safety, and durability considerations within the scope of work. This references US EPA “Healthy Indoor Environmental Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades” available via
NOTE: The EPA document was designed to address energy upgrades in existing homes, however, the recommendations do not necessarily reflect the best option for low energy homes. For example, it is usually preferable to eliminate an emission source such as a gas cooking stove, rather than to spot ventilate. (Updated 10/28/20)
Download the Heal-Saf-Durability Have-a-Plan (Excel).
The Reduction Matrix
The Reduction Matrix can be used for any proposed or potential 1000 Home Challenge project. It is used to allocate energy use and reductions in order to better understand how a project will meet the project’s target use. Instructions are in the first worksheet. (Updated 5/12/15)
Download the The Reduction Matrix (Excel).
Ten Steps to Deep Energy Reductions
Ten Steps to Deep Energy Reductions provides a framework for assessing and implementing a deep energy reduction project for a specific dwelling. (Updated 03/27/11)
Download the Ten Steps to Deep Energy Reductions (PDF).
Principles for Smart Staging
Principles for Smart Staging: If doing an “All-at-Once” project is not an option, consider these principles as you plan a staged approach to deep reductions. (Updated 10/28/20)
Download the Principles for Smart Staging (PDF).
1000 Home Challenge Threshold Calculator
Home Energy Heating Calculator Worksheets: The two worksheets in this spreadsheet allow you to compare the cost of heating using different energy sources and systems (1st tab), as well as converting energy sources to MMBtu and kWh (second tab).
Thanks to Bob Davis, Ecotope, for the enhancements and permission to use the cost calculator. The energy conversion table was extracted from the 1000 Home Challenge Threshold Calculator developed by Michael Blasnik. (Updated 05/05/16)
Download the 1000 Home Challenge Threshold Calculator (Excel).
Paths to Thermal Comfort
Paths to Thermal Comfort stimulates out of the box thinking to support the examination of a full array of solutions to reduce heat loss or heat gain and to enhance thermal comfort. (Updated 10/28/20)
Download the Paths to Thermal Comfort (PDF).
Guiding Principles for Deep Energy Reductions
Guiding Principles for Deep Energy Reductions – Draft: What are the universal principles that define and guide deep energy reduction projects? What is missing? How can the wording be improved? Help clarify the principles that guide deep energy reduction projects. (Updated 03/26/11)
Download the Guiding Principles for Deep Energy Reductions (PDF).
Deep Energy Reductions
Resources on Superinsulation
Links that lead to a treasure trove of websites, case studies, reports, initiatives, and blogs with diverse perspectives addressing deep energy retrofits. Updated 04/16/14.
Download the Resources on Superinsulation (PDF).
Deep Energy Reductions in Existing Homes
Paper for the 2008 ACEEE Summer Study by Linda Wigington.
Download the Deep Energy Reductions in Existing Homes (PDF).
Moving Existing Homes Toward Carbon Neutrality
This white paper by Linda Wigington, Special Projects Director ACI, was inspired by the July 2007 ACI Summit.
Download the Moving Existing Homes Toward Carbon Neutrality (PDF).
Webinars Archive
Read, listen to and download presentation files from previous webinars. Some topics have included:
- High Performance Hot Water
- Analyzing Electricity Use
- Ductless Heat Pumps
- …and more!

Other Resources
Approaching Net Zero Energy in Existing Homes
CMHC report detailing benefits, barriers, and progression to net zero energy performance. This 187-page report details the benefits, barriers, and progression to net zero energy performance. Appendix A features decision trees integrating historical, physical, and durability challenges with deep energy retrofits.
NCAT Major Retrofits – 1984
NCAT document offers historical perspective, construction details, etc.
Inspiring Deep Energy Retrofits for Homes
ACHR News covered the 1000 Home Challenge and the exciting results that participants have had in retrofitting their homes to be more energy efficient.